You are permitted to bring one small size suitcase and a small carry-on tote or bag. I recommend that the suitcase be equipped with rollers. Do not bring a large suitcase, as there isn't room for it on the chartered buses or on the train.. Remember, we will do quite a bit of walking, especially when we travel to and from the airport. You will carry your luggage yourself. It will be especially difficult when riding the RER train en route to our hotel.

Although your main bag will be checked, it must not be bigger that what will fit as a carry-on. This is where it would have to fit if it were a carry-on:


The total maximum lineal dimensions for both are 44" (heighth, width, depth).

And these are some photos of actual places you will need to carry your luggage:

You will wait on this platform for the RER B train to the center of Paris. See the stairs (behind and to the right of the photo) down which you will need to walk hurriedly with your luggage.

When you first get on the RER train, it may be uncrowded like this.:

But is can get as crowded as this by the time we reach our destination near the hotel:

Here are the stairs at the St. Michel RER station near our hotel (note that the escalators don't always work):



Click here for KLM carry-on luggage rules

Click here for Air France carry-on luggage rules

Here are the allowable dimensions for your larger bag:

1 standard baggage item that respects the following maximum dimensions:
55 cm (l) x 35 cm (w) x 25 cm (h) – including pockets, wheels, and handles

21.7" x 13.8" x 9.8"




You are also allowed a second bag smaller than the first that you will need to actually carry on the plane. Typical dimensions of those are as follows:

18" x 11" x9"





Transportation Security Administration (TSA)--Travelers Information