

Quelle heure est-il à Paris?



**Cell Phone

Info from Rick Steves

**Currency converty and money info

Currency converter

If you want to use ATM machines while overseas (which I strongly recommend), you must have a check card that has the logos PLUS, INTERLINK, STAR, and or CIRRUS on it. Most savings account ATM cards do not have the logos and can not be used at foreign teller machines. You must have a check card that is linked to a checking account in order to use ATM machines Savings account cards sometimes do not work overseas. With certain banks, underage minors are not allowed to have checking accounts with one of these check cards attached. Some banks--Wells Fargo, for example--offer teen checking accounts that are linked to parents' accounts. Check with your bank. The only other alternative for underage minors is to get travelers cheques, however, travelers cheques are not as convenient as ATM machines.

Money Tips From Rick Steves

**Food and Drink--shopping for some specialties


Hotel where many of our groups have stayed in Paris--l'Hôtel Claude Bernard, 43 rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris Tel. : +33 1 43 26 32 52 web: http://www.hotelclaudebernardparis.com

Recommended youth hostel: Maubuisson, 12 rue des Barres, 75004 Paris


If you are interested in purchasing travel insurance, get some more infornmation at Rick Steves' page on the subject.


Paris Itinerary--A sample to plan your visit to Paris

**Laundromats in the 5th and 6th arrondissements

You should plan on doing laundry at least once during the trip, because you should not bring with you more than one small to medium-sized bag. You will have to walk a certain distance to any of the laundromats. To save money, buy a small box of detergeant to share with your friends in one of the many small markets in the 5th and 6th. You might want to bring a small, lightweight net bag in which to keep your dirty clothes and to use as your transporter for laundry when you are walking to a laundromat.

Remember, temperatures are in celsius---100 degrees equals boiling

Laverie Cent Seize

Blan Press (Sté)

Laverie Self-Service Monge (Sté)

La Pince à Linge


Remember the adage to "pack lightly". You should expect to go to the laundromat at least once during the trip. Mix and match is the way to go as far as clothing--you don't need to change your entire outfit each day. Use vacuum plastic clothing bags to compress your clothes into a smaller space. Bring a small carryon rolling suitcase that you will check on the plane, and one carry-on. Be sure to visit the TSA link and the Air France luggage link, all found on the" luggage requirements and guidelines" page:

Luggage Requirements and Guldelines

Packing list

**Markets (les marchés)

**Metro--How to use it, maps, tickets, etc.

The link below (Neighborhood maps) is an interactive map and transportation site run by the RATP (metro and bus system). It allows you to see a detailed map of the neighborhood in which you are interested. It will also tell you what transportation method you should use to get to another area of Paris. To see how it works, try the instructions that follow the link once you have clicked on it:

Interactive Metro Map

Following is a sample of how to use the interactive map:

Under "adresse du départ", type "place st. michel, paris". That is not far from our hotel. Under "adresse d'arrivée", type "place du parvis, paris". That is the square in front of Notre Dame. Scroll down and click on "rechercher". You will then see the public transportation that you can use to get to Notre Dame.

You can also practice using the Metro, RER and bus sytems by downloading pdf interactive maps. Go to http://www.citefutee.com/orienter/plans.php. Under Réseaux, click on métro to download (with Adobe Acrobat or Preview--it should do it automatically for you), RER for the suburban lines, Bus Paris for the bus map, or Bus soirées for the nighttime bus sytem.

Here is the site that I prepared with additional information about using the metro including practice inineraries.

Pocket Metro Map

**Monuments in Paris


To find out all you need to know about the Paris Museum Pass, go here

**Packing List

**Paris Map--Easy monument locations

**Passages Couverts--Hidden passages


**Pedestrian/Bicycle/Skating Only Zones in Paris

**Photos of building facades--Type any address at this site and see a photo of the facade of the building located at that address.


Go to the Restaurant Page for a collection of recommended restaurants, many of which are in the 5th and 6th arrondissements.

Another restaurant site---RestoàParis site.

Also, check out les pages de Paris.

Rick Steves' Video Clip About Eating and Dining in Europe


**Tourist Sites--"Must Sees"

Below represents the beginning of a list of things that you should definitely consider seeing on your trip. Some of the items have sites linked to them. You should start getting information about these places right now so that you can appreciate your trip that much more. Buy a tourist guide of things to see in Paris that includes a list of restaurants. Check the various spots out on the Internet. Remember, part of the fun of the trip will be in its planning and your anticipation. Amusez-vous bien!

List of Monuments

Interactive map of monuments and museums

For the official Paris tourist site, go to: http://www.paris-touristoffice.com

For the Michelin Green guide of star-rated things to see, go to http://www.viamichelin.com/viamichelin/gbr/dyn/controller/tourismPoiList;jsessionid=JLWEIIZKQQ2CUDOI3DJCASI?from=216

For an interactive map of monuments in Paris, go to http://www.paris.org/Maps/MM/

For a list of some cafés and their websites, go to http://www.paris.org/Cafes/

The following are major tourist places to visit:

Le Louvre

Notre Dame

La Tour Eiffel

Le Musée National du Moyen Âge (Hôtel de Cluny)

Le Musée d'Orsay

Le Musée Rodin

Le Marais

Le Quartier Latin

Le Quartier de Saint Germain des Près

Montmartre et le Sacré Cœur

L'Arc de Triomphe et les Champs Elysées

Les Bateaux Mouches

Le Palais et le jardin de Versailles

La Place des Vosges et la maison de Victor Hugo

Les Marchés sur la rue Mouffetard et la rue de Buci

Le Musée de l'Orangerie

**Travel Tips--other

For additional useful tips about Paris and environs, go to http://www.bparis.com

**Weather in Paris

For a ten day weather forecast, go to the French Weather Site.


E-mail me if you have questions about your trip.

Page updated by Kent Porter July 4, 2018